Source code for keg.testing

import contextlib

import click
import click.testing
import flask
from flask_webtest import TestApp
from werkzeug.datastructures import ImmutableMultiDict, MultiDict

from keg import signals
from keg.utils import app_environ_get

def _config_profile(appcls):
    config_profile = 'TestProfile'
    if appcls.import_name is not None:
        config_profile = app_environ_get(appcls.import_name, 'CONFIG_PROFILE', config_profile)
    return config_profile

[docs]class ContextManager(object): """ Facilitates having a single instance of an application ready for testing. By default, this is used in ``Keg.testing_prep``. Constructor arg is the Keg app class to manage for tests. """ apps = {} def __init__(self, appcls): self.appcls = appcls = None def make_ready(self, config): if not = self.appcls().init(use_test_profile=True, config=config) return
[docs] def is_ready(self): """Indicates the manager's app instance exists. The instance should be created with ``get_for``. Only one ContextManager instance will get created in a Python process for any given app. But, ``get_for`` may be called multiple times. The first call to ``ensure_current`` will set up the application and bring the manager to a ready state.""" return is not None
[docs] @classmethod def get_for(cls, appcls): """ Return the ContextManager instance for the given app class. Only one ContextManager instance will be created in a Python process for any given app. """ if appcls not in cls.apps: cls.apps[appcls] = cls(appcls) return cls.apps[appcls]
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def app_config(**kwargs): """ Set config values on any apps instantiated while the context manager is active. This is intended to be used with cli tests where the ``current_app`` in the test will be different from the ``current_app`` when the CLI command is invoked, making it very difficult to dynamically set app config variables using mock.patch.dict like we normally would. Example:: class TestCLI(CLIBase): app_cls = MyApp def test_it(self): with testing.app_config(FOO_NAME='Bar'): result = self.invoke('echo-foo-name') assert 'Bar' in result.output """ @signals.config_complete.connect def set_config(app): app.config.update(kwargs) yield
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def inrequest(*req_args, args_modifier=None, **req_kwargs): """A decorator/context manager to add the flask request context to a test function. Allows test to assume a request context without running a full view stack. Use for unit-testing a view instance without setting up a webtest instance for the app and running requests. Flask's ``request.args`` is normally immutable, but in test cases, it can be helpful to patch in args without needing to construct the URL. But, we don't want to leave them mutable, because potential app bugs could be masked in doing so. To modify args, pass in a callable as ``args_modifier`` that takes the args dict to be modified in-place. Args will only be mutable for executing the modifier, then returned to immutable for the remainder of the scope. Assumes that ``flask.current_app`` is pointing to the desired app. Example:: @inrequest('/mypath?foo=bar&baz=boo') def test_in_request_args(self): assert flask.request.args['foo'] == 'bar' def test_request_args_mutated(self): def args_modifier(args_dict): args_dict['baz'] = 'custom-value' with inrequest('/mypath?foo=bar&baz=boo', args_modifier=args_modifier): assert flask.request.args['foo'] == 'bar' assert flask.request.args['baz'] == 'custom-value' """ with flask.current_app.test_request_context(*req_args, **req_kwargs): if callable(args_modifier): # Temporarily turn args into a mutable MultiDict to be patched. Then, we must # be sure to turn them back immutable, or else tests may end up not catching # bugs that attempt to modify request args improperly. new_args = MultiDict(flask.request.args) args_modifier(new_args) flask.request.args = ImmutableMultiDict(new_args) yield
[docs]def invoke_command(app_cls, *args, **kwargs): """Invoke a command using a CLI runner and return the result. Optional kwargs: - exit_code: Default 0. Process exit code to assert. - runner: Default ``click.testing.CliRunner()``. CLI runner instance to use for invocation. - use_test_profile: Default True. Drive invoked app to use test profile instead of default. """ exit_code = kwargs.pop('exit_code', 0) runner = kwargs.pop('runner', None) or click.testing.CliRunner() use_test_profile = kwargs.pop('use_test_profile', True) env = kwargs.pop('env', {}) if use_test_profile: app_key = app_cls.environ_key('USE_TEST_PROFILE') env[app_key] = 'true' result = runner.invoke(app_cls.cli, args, env=env, catch_exceptions=False, **kwargs) error_message = 'Command exit code {}, expected {}. Result output follows:\n{}' assert result.exit_code == exit_code, error_message.format(result.exit_code, exit_code, result.output) return result
def cleanup_app_contexts(): while flask.current_app: cm = ContextManager.get_for(flask.current_app.__class__) if cm.ctx: cm.cleanup() else: break # support older flask as well if flask.current_app and getattr(flask, '_app_ctx_stack'): while flask._app_ctx_stack.pop(): pass
[docs]class CLIBase(object): """Test class base for testing Keg click commands. Creates a CLI runner instance, and allows subclass to call ``self.invoke`` with command args. Class attributes: - app_cls: Optional, will default to ``flask.current_app`` class. - cmd_name: Optional, provides default in ``self.invoke`` for ``cmd_name`` kwarg. """ # child classes will need to set these values in order to use the class app_cls = None cmd_name = None force_app_context_cleanup = False @classmethod def setup_class(cls): # If a current app context is set, it may complicate what click is doing to # set up and run a specific app. if cls.app_cls or cls.force_app_context_cleanup: cleanup_app_contexts() cls.runner = click.testing.CliRunner()
[docs] def invoke(self, *args, **kwargs): """Run a command, perform some assertions, and return the result for testing.""" cmd_name = kwargs.pop('cmd_name', self.cmd_name) if cmd_name is None: cmd_name_args = [] else: cmd_name_args = cmd_name.split(' ') invoke_args = cmd_name_args + list(args) kwargs['runner'] = self.runner # If the app_cls isn't set, use the class of the current app app_cls = self.app_cls or flask.current_app._get_current_object().__class__ return invoke_command(app_cls, *invoke_args, **kwargs)
class WebBase(object): db = None appcls = None @classmethod def setup_class(cls): = cls.appcls.testing_prep() cls.testapp = TestApp(