Source code for keg.utils

import inspect
import os
import weakref

import flask
import pathlib
from werkzeug.utils import import_string

from keg.extensions import lazy_gettext as _

_signature_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()

# sentinal object
class NotGiven(object):

[docs]def ensure_dirs(newdir, mode=NotGiven): """ A "safe" verision of Path.makedir(..., parents=True) that will only create the directory if it doesn't already exist. We also manually create parents so that mode is set correctly. Python docs say that mode is ignored when using Path.mkdir(..., parents=True) """ if mode is NotGiven: mode = flask.current_app.config['KEG_DIR_MODE'] dpath = pathlib.Path(newdir) if dpath.is_dir(): return if dpath.is_file(): raise OSError(_("A file with the same name as the desired" " directory, '{dpath}', already exists.", dpath=dpath)) ensure_dirs(dpath.parent, mode=mode) dpath.mkdir(mode)
[docs]class ClassProperty(property): """A decorator that behaves like @property except that operates on classes rather than instances. """ def __init__(self, fget, *arg, **kw): self.ignore_set = kw.pop('ignore_set', False) self.__doc__ = fget.__doc__ super(ClassProperty, self).__init__(fget, *arg, **kw) def __get__(self, obj, cls): # noqa return self.fget(cls) def __set__(self, cls, value): # noqa if self.fset is None and not self.ignore_set: raise AttributeError(_("can't set attribute")) if not self.ignore_set: self.fset(cls, value)
classproperty = ClassProperty
[docs]class HybridMethod(object): """ A decorator which allows definition of a Python object method with both instance-level and class-level behavior:: Class Bar: @hybridmethod def foo(self, rule, **options): # this is used in an instance context @foo.classmethod def foo(cls, rule, **options): # this is used in class context """ def __init__(self, func, cm_func=None): self.instance_func = func self.classmethod(cm_func or func) def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self.cm_func.__get__(owner, owner.__class__) else: return self.instance_func.__get__(instance, owner)
[docs] def classmethod(self, cm_func): """Provide a modifying decorator that is used as a classmethod decorator.""" self.cm_func = cm_func if not self.cm_func.__doc__: self.cm_func.__doc__ = self.instance_func.__doc__ return self
hybridmethod = HybridMethod
[docs]def pymodule_fpaths_to_objects(fpaths): """ Takes an iterable of file paths reprenting possible python modules and will return an iterable of tuples with the file path along with the contents of that file if the file exists. If the file does not exist or cannot be accessed, the third term of the tuple stores the exception. """ retval = [] for fpath in fpaths: try: pymodule_globals = {} with open(fpath) as fo: exec(compile(, fpath, 'exec'), pymodule_globals) retval.append((fpath, pymodule_globals, None)) except (FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError, PermissionError) as exc: retval.append((fpath, None, exc)) return retval
[docs]def app_environ_get(app_import_name, key, default=None): # App names often have periods and it is not possible to export an # environment variable with a period in it. app_name = app_import_name.replace('.', '_').upper() environ_key = '{}_{}'.format(app_name, key.upper()) return os.environ.get(environ_key, default)
[docs]def visit_modules(dotted_paths, base_path=None): for path in dotted_paths: if path.startswith('.') and base_path is not None: path = base_path + path import_string(path)
def validate_arguments(func, args, kwargs, drop_extra=True): # type: ignore """Checks if the function accepts the arguments and keyword arguments. Returns a new ``(args, kwargs)`` tuple that can safely be passed to the function without causing a `TypeError` because the function signature is incompatible. If `drop_extra` is set to `True` (which is the default) any extra positional or keyword arguments are dropped automatically. The exception raised provides three attributes: `missing` A set of argument names that the function expected but where missing. `extra` A dict of keyword arguments that the function can not handle but where provided. `extra_positional` A list of values that where given by positional argument but the function cannot accept. This can be useful for decorators that forward user submitted data to a view function:: from werkzeug.utils import ArgumentValidationError, validate_arguments def sanitize(f): def proxy(request): data = request.values.to_dict() try: args, kwargs = validate_arguments(f, (request,), data) except ArgumentValidationError: raise BadRequest('The browser failed to transmit all ' 'the data expected.') return f(*args, **kwargs) return proxy :param func: the function the validation is performed against. :param args: a tuple of positional arguments. :param kwargs: a dict of keyword arguments. :param drop_extra: set to `False` if you don't want extra arguments to be silently dropped. :return: tuple in the form ``(args, kwargs)``. .. deprecated:: 2.0 Will be removed in Werkzeug 2.1. Use :func:`inspect.signature` instead. Copied from Werkzeug """ parser = _parse_signature(func) args, kwargs, missing, extra, extra_positional = parser(args, kwargs)[:5] if missing: raise ArgumentValidationError(tuple(missing)) elif (extra or extra_positional) and not drop_extra: raise ArgumentValidationError(None, extra, extra_positional) return tuple(args), kwargs def _parse_signature(func): # type: ignore """Return a signature object for the function. .. deprecated:: 2.0 Will be removed in Werkzeug 2.1 along with ``utils.bind`` and ``validate_arguments``. """ # if we have a cached validator for this function, return it parse = _signature_cache.get(func) if parse is not None: return parse # inspect the function signature and collect all the information tup = inspect.getfullargspec(func) positional, vararg_var, kwarg_var, defaults = tup[:4] defaults = defaults or () arg_count = len(positional) arguments = [] for idx, name in enumerate(positional): if isinstance(name, list): raise TypeError( "cannot parse functions that unpack tuples in the function signature" ) try: default = defaults[idx - arg_count] except IndexError: param = (name, False, None) else: param = (name, True, default) arguments.append(param) arguments = tuple(arguments) def parse(args, kwargs): # type: ignore new_args = [] missing = [] extra = {} # consume as many arguments as positional as possible for idx, (name, has_default, default) in enumerate(arguments): try: new_args.append(args[idx]) except IndexError: try: new_args.append(kwargs.pop(name)) except KeyError: if has_default: new_args.append(default) else: missing.append(name) else: if name in kwargs: extra[name] = kwargs.pop(name) # handle extra arguments extra_positional = args[arg_count:] if vararg_var is not None: new_args.extend(extra_positional) extra_positional = () if kwargs and kwarg_var is None: extra.update(kwargs) kwargs = {} return ( new_args, kwargs, missing, extra, extra_positional, arguments, vararg_var, kwarg_var, ) _signature_cache[func] = parse return parse class ArgumentValidationError(ValueError): """Raised if :func:`validate_arguments` fails to validate .. deprecated:: 2.0 Will be removed in Werkzeug 2.1 along with ``utils.bind`` and ``validate_arguments``. """ def __init__(self, missing=None, extra=None, extra_positional=None): # type: ignore self.missing = set(missing or ()) self.extra = extra or {} self.extra_positional = extra_positional or [] super().__init__( "function arguments invalid." f" ({len(self.missing)} missing," f" {len(self.extra) + len(self.extra_positional)} additional)" )